Church Leadership
Church Council plans and implements the programs and ministry of the church and oversees the administration of the church.
Chairperson :Dr. Joel Harrell
Lay Leader serves as lay representative of the laity in the church. Meets regularly with the pastor to discuss the state of the church and needs for ministry, informs the laity of educational opportunities, builds awareness within the congregation, and serves on key committees of the church council.
Lay Leader : Icey Johnson
Staff-Parish Relations Committee determines personnel policy, employs staff persons other than appointed clergy and provides supervision and support for all paid workers.
Chairperson : H. Barry Dodson
Trustee Board oversees, maintains, and supervises all property of the church. Maintains adequate insurance coverage on all church property and develops appropriate risk management policies.
Chairperson : Sandra Harrell
Finance Committee oversees the church budget, offerings, special collections and other monies to ensure church's solvency.
Chairperson : Raymond McClendon
Lay Leadership Committee (formally Nominations and Personnel) . . . identifies, develops, deploys, evaluates, and monitors Christian spiritual leadership for the congregation.
Chairperson : Rev. Leon Matthews